As Farmacias YZA®’s record agency, we work on creating brand concepts for its monthly
communication needs and promotional programs solving creatively each briefing and
new opportunities since 2015. Here are 5 recent examples we worked on last year.
— E-Commerce Farmacias YZA®
We developed a communication strategy for the launch of, the brand’s e-commerce platform.
We wanted the audience to feel that Farmacias YZA® is a complete brand and platform, a place
where you can find the medications, drugs and products you are looking for.
An easy and smart purchase for your health and wellness.
So we had a clear idea for a new convenient message, and we wanted to communicate
that there’s an easier platform that gives them the experience they need while offering
a wide variety of products in real-time.
Discover not only products but the best solution for their health.
With just one click away they can find medicines, products or anything they need in a complete pharmacy.
The brand is now ready to provide them with comfort, service, and more savings thanks to its convenient prices.
Now is the time to discover what’s best for their health.

— Bara® + Farmacias YZA®
We developed a communication strategy for a tactical need. We had the opportunity to work with
a parent company in the holding group that owns Farmacias YZA® for this task.
Bara® is a convenience store and supermarket in Mexico that is closer to neighborhoods with families.
Bara® is a grocery store where you can find everything at lower prices, that's why their name is Bara®. (Means “barato”, cheap).
Bara® made space in their actual stores to bring a branded pharmacy with an adapted store-format contrary to make a "pharmacy department" as any other store.
Bara® completes its convenience offer and helps Farmacias YZA® to position its brand and services in this segment, as "good neighbors" who help each other.
The audience recognizes Bara®’s good prices, and the offer that Farmacias YZA® has for them completes the convenience muscle along with them.
We understood that we had to create a strong bond with the audience with a one-on-one voice, so we called them "neighbors", and as a "good neighbor”, we care.
As a pharmacy, we care for what’s most important, we care for their health.
We wanted them to perceive us as their good friends:
"hey! good morning, when in need we are here for you".
That's a good reason to be neighbors, we help each other.

— Temporada de Invierno en Farmacias YZA®
Last year, during the winter season campaign we wanted to send a message that brings people together.
In a series of photographs of indoor spaces, we evidence imaginative fun activities that people could be doing outdoors but due to covid shutdowns, it was better to stay at home. So we invited them to stay at home demonstrating a positive view while encouraging people to care more about their health and to strengthen their immune system.
Farmacias YZA® offers vitamins, flu medicines, among other seasonal products for their care.
“Together we beat the cold”, was the main message.

— Cuídate Mucho de Farmacias YZA®
In this last but not least example, we stated a clear and direct message to introduce the reward’s program new platform called “Cuídate Mucho”.
In its first edition, this program presented a traditional plastic card, with the name of the program in the top left corner, all blue as the brand’s institutional color.
But since 2020 the brand holds and promotes electronic rewards and promotions among other services such as digital monitoring of treatments for chronic patients with a mobile application.
So we decided to shape the background with the old traditional plastic but slightly rotated and a bright color palette to give a clean, fresh and pop twist to support and carry this simple message: The most important thing is to take care of your health.
"Request your new TarjetaYZA® Cuídate Mucho. Download the app."
People are portrayed showing the new app and enjoying the new service on their phones, "plastic" is at their backs.

— Está en ti, Usa cubrebocas de Farmacias YZA®
During 2020 we developed a few messages about COVID-19 caring programs. One of these messages was: "It's on you, use mask protection", which was a communication program in stores with a direct call to use mask protection, this is still valid for the last few months with the new COVID-19 waves of variants.
With headlines motivating them to care for their children, their family, their parents, brothers, sisters, colleagues, we try to encourage our audience to remember that using a mask is not only for their care it's a matter of all, a big difference against COVID-19.
We use illustrations to introduce balance and make a friendly approach to give these messages.

* Algunas de las fotografías solo aparecen de posición y no tienen un uso comercial. Some photographs appear for demonstration and they are not used for commercial purposes.